Batch mixing may offer some advantages but may not be the most practical solution for your commercial scale bakery. A Continuous Mixing System from Exact Mixing can help you improve product consistency, simplify your mixing process, reduce labor, and cut costs.
Since 1994, Exact Mixing has delivered innovative Continuous Mixing solutions to a growing number of customers and industries around the globe. Our full line of mixer models and sizes can successfully mix a wide variety of baked food and snack products.
Continuous mixing is not right for every application, but neither is batch mixing. If you currently have several batch mixers feeding one large production line, we can help you decide if Continuous Mixing could improve your process.
Discover Our Continuous Mixers
No single type of batch mixer is ideal for all products. This is also true for Continuous Mixers. This is why Exact Mixing offers a range of mixer models:
- Our most versatile mixer, the MX Continuous Mixer, is ideal for a wide range of products, such as pizza, cookies, snacks, batters, icings, and pastes. It is also an ideal first stage mixer for processes that require creme up and pre-blend stages.
- Use the EX Continuous Mixer for crackers, pretzels, pie crusts, sweet goods, pet treats and a variety of other wheat-based snacks. It uniformly mixes products with a variety of dough moisture levels, reduces lay time, eliminates dough troughs, and reduces labor and energy thanks to full automation.
- The Our HDX or High Development Continuous Mixer is designed specifically to manufacture highly developed dough at low temperatures and is a great choice for ultra-high absorption doughs, such as buns, breads, rolls, English muffins and similar products.
- For most types of cookies and other products that require ingredient blending before flour is added, the LDX Continuous Mixeris an excellent choice. In the first mixing stage, all minor ingredients can be combined with some of the flour, and the fat can be cut in. In the final stage, the remaining flour is added to create the final dough.
- The FX Continuous Mixer is well-suited to hydroscopic powders such as potato flakes used to make fabricated potato chips and any other low moisture mixtures. It is designed to distribute small amounts of moisture evenly into large amounts of powder. This is accomplished by lifting the powder into atomized liquids.
See a Demonstration of Continuous Mixers
To see your products being mixed in a continuous process, schedule a visit to our Science & Innovation Center in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, where pilot versions of all types of Exact Mixers are available.
We will explain and demonstrate the many benefits of Continuous Mixing on a pilot-scale level using your ingredients and expertise. We will show you how our exciting technology is being used to its full advantage by others in the food industry.
This process will help identify advantages such as greater consistency and reduced labor expenses. In addition, you will learn how Continuous Mixing can meet the challenges of food safety and energy efficiency.
Discover the benefits of Exact Mixing’s unrivaled range of commercial scale Continuous Mixing equipment to improve your baked goods and snack food production process. Call our Robesonia, Pennsylvania headquarters at (01) 610-693-5816 or click here to contact us online.