- Bagels
- Pizza
- Pocket Sandwiches
- Frozen Dough
- Pita
- Pot Pie Crusts
- Pie Crust
- Ice Cream Wafers
- Croutons
- Breakfast Biscuits
- Pastries
Batch mixing can lack precision and lead to variations in dough, which can impact the consistency of finished products. Even if the dough is perfect leaving the batch mixer, changes often occur to the dough while waiting to be processed. This is known as the batch cycle. Continuous Mixing solves these problems by providing a consistent, uniform dough stream to your production line at the same rate that it is being used.
Bakery products are produced on our EX Continuous Mixer. The EX Mixer designed specifically for mixing these low to mid absorption, fully developed doughs. The thorough mixing action quickly develops strong bonds in gluten strands. Peak development and consistent delivery of dough at the optimum temperature is achieved through a precise combination of speeds in the mixing and developing sections of the mixer.
We work closely within the Markel Food Group companies, and other equipment suppliers to provide complete systems, testing and installation supervision.