The purpose of bulk materials handling is to bring raw materials into the mixing area and to supply the ingredient metering system. In many ways, bulk materials delivery to a continuous mixer is identical to delivering materials to a batch mixer. The major dry ingredients are generally transferred to the mixing area pneumatically. Liquids are transferred through bulk lines, out of totes, or out of drums. While not necessary, minors are often blended together to simplify the mixing system.
Dry Materials Handling
Dry ingredients can be introduced to the system in a number of ways. The most common methods include ingredients from a silo, a bulk bag or a dumping station for smaller containers. Ingredient additions can be completely automated, manual or somewhere in between.
Materials Blending
Dry minor ingredients are often blended in advance to improve consistency, add system flexibility and reduce costs. Flour may or may not pass through the blender depending upon the usage rate. If the flour is delivered directly to the mixer, only the minor ingredients pass through the blender. Micro ingredients are sometimes added directly to the blender to ensure their proper distribution.
Liquid Materials Handling
Small tanks near the mixer serve as the liquid supply to the metering system. Refill of these tanks is automatic. These tanks are included in the system to optimize the liquid metering system.