As you evaluate commercial dough mixer machines, discover the benefits of Exact Mixing’s unparalleled range of mixers and explore how they can improve your products and process.
Since 1994, Exact Mixing has delivered innovative Continuous Mixing solutions to a growing number of customers and industries. We offer a full line of mixer models and sizes with production volumes that range from 50 kg/hour to over 10,000 kg/hour. Our team is dedicated to helping you reduce labor, cut costs, improve consistency, and simplify your mixing process.
Explore Continuous Mixing Over Batch Mixing
Batch mixing is a process in which ingredients for a single batch are loaded (either at once or in a pre-defined sequence), mixed, and discharged from the mixer before introducing another batch. The time between batches often results in inconsistencies in batches due to processing variations and controlling mechanisms.
Continuous Mixing, in comparison, is the process of continuously metering ingredients directly into the mixing chamber and generating a continuous stream of mixed product at the exit of the mixer. This results in even dough hydration, better integration of minor ingredients, and eliminates the dough variables caused by batch mixing. One mixer can feed multiple lines and can be operated with less labor and energy than batch mixing.
Exact Mixing Continuous Mixing Solutions
The Exact Mixing MX Continuous Mixer is our most versatile mixer. It:
- Is an excellent choice for a wide variety of products such as snacks, cookies, pizza, batters, icings, and pastes
- Is the ideal first stage mixer for processes that require creme up and pre-blend stages;
The Exact Mixing EX Continuous Mixer:
- Uniformly mixes doughs with a variety of moisture levels
- Is ideal for low-absorption, stiff, wheat-based doughs, such as crackers, bagels, pretzels, sweet goods, and pet treats
The Exact Mixing HDX or High Development Continuous Mixer:
- Is specifically designed for manufacturing highly developed dough at low temperatures
- Is ideal for ultra-high absorption doughs, such as buns, bread, rolls, English muffins, tortillas, and similar products.
The Exact Mixing FX Continuous Mixer:
- Is designed to evenly distribute small amounts of moisture into large amounts of powder by lifting the powder into atomized liquids
- Is ideal for hydroscopic powders such as potato flakes used to make fabricated potato chips or any other low moisture mixtures
The Exact LDX Continuous Mixer:
- Features 2-stage mixing for products that benefit from creme up and final mixing stages
- Is ideal for most types of cookies and any application where ingredients need to be blended before flour is added
What is Included in an Exact Continuous Mixing System?
Exact Mixing provides complete systems, testing, and installation supervision for both straight dough and liquid ferment systems.
A complete Continuous Mixing System includes the mixer, blender, materials handling and ingredients metering equipment, and a control system that monitors and distributes product between them.
We design our mixers with Loss-in-Weight technology – the most accurate feeding technology available. And all metering and mixing procedures are monitored and initiated by the control system so the operator can always confirm and modify as needed.
Call Exact Mixing at (01) 610-693-5816 or contact us online to explore our innovative commercial dough mixer machines.