If you are ready to enhance your commercial baking process, learn more about the industrial bakery mixers offered by Exact Mixing in Thailand.
Whether you bake goods in-house or produce high-quality products for commercial customers, you know the process can take a considerable amount of time. In the business world, the timeless phrase “time equals money” has a special meaning for mixing the ingredients used to create delicious products such as baked snacks, cookies, doughnuts, and artisan bread loaves.
Since 1994, Exact Mixing has offered an affordable and time-saving way to create baked goods by implementing the continuous mixing method. As one of the companies operating under the Reading Bakery Systems umbrella, Exact Mixing has developed a mixing process that helps our customers lower labor costs, while improving the quality and consistency of every order placed by consumers and businesses in Thailand.
What Do I Need to Know About the Continuous Mixing Process?
As the name implies, continuous mixing represents a process in which baking ingredients receive constant monitoring as they flow into a highly-durable mixing chamber. The result is a consistent flow of ingredients that blend seamlessly into the formation of a product that leaves the mixer in one cohesive piece. Exact Mixing perfected a process that incorporates four main mixing steps into one simple process. Continuous mixing combines the steps of measuring, mixing, ingredient delivery, and dough kneading into one process that does not experience interruptions for any reason.
Our engineers have devised a measuring system that produces dough that is within 0.25 percent of accuracy for every production order. The best part is continuous mixing for industrial bakery mixes in Thailand works flawlessly for dough moisture levels that range from the extremely low to the extremely high end of the mixing process. Continuous mixing does not produce excess heat that often destroys the texture and ultimately the flavor of processed dough. Instead of waiting for dough to emerge in batches every 15 minutes, the Exact Mixing commercial bakery mixers discharge dough in a consistent flow to meet high production demands.
During an interview conducted in 2016, Vice President of Exact Mixing, Jim Warren explained the primary differences between batch and continuous mixing. “Batch mixing is like walking up a flight of stairs, and continuous mixing is like taking the escalator,” Warren said. “Both get you to the same final destination but with batch mixing, you have to go one step at a time and put in more effort; with continuous mixing, it’s just a steady-flowing process. Continuous mixing offers a consistent, uniform dough stream to a production line at the same rate that it is used. It provides consistent dispersion of ingredients, simpler dough feed equipment, and tighter control over the entire mixing process.”
Does Exact Mixing Present Demonstrations?
We know that seeing is believing when promised a shorter mixing period that generates a much higher quality of dough for a wide variety of baked goods. This is why we encourage you to schedule a visit to our Science & Innovation Center located in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, to see for yourself why the line of continuous mixing products from Exact Mixing can boost your business. Our demonstration process of six steps should persuade you to consider creating delicious baked products by following a new and improved process.
If you are interested in learning more about improving the quality of your dough in Thailand while saving both time and money, contact Exact Mixing today to learn more about our industrial continuous bakery mixers. You can reach us online or by calling our headquarters at 610-693-5816.