Has your commercial bakery decided to upgrade the equipment operated to create dough for baked goods? Have your customers demanded a higher-quality dough product for their line of snacks, sweets, and bread? Are you evaluating industrial mixer suppliers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Exact Mixing offers a solution that improves how your commercial bakery mixes dough for your customers.
The introduction of the continuous mixing method has changed the way commercial bakeries process dough for their customers. Since 1994, Exact Mixing has provided continuous mixing systems for our clients that cover virtually every type of baked good. The primary customers that do business with Exact Mixing manufacture and distribute their own snacks and baked goods. Our mixers typically integrate with downstream equipment such as ovens, sheeters, and extrusion equipment to complete the dough-making process.
What is the Continuous Mixing Process?
The continuous mixing process goes through four main stages, with the first involving transferring ingredients to the mixing area. Then, the system places the measured ingredients into the mixer, where the ingredients then blend into the dough. Our automated system then handles the dough as it leaves the mixer.
Continuous mixers offer several advantages over batch mixers, with saving time sitting near the top of the list of why your commercial bakery should install the appropriate continuous mixing system. With batch mixing, the four stages are completed as separate operations. With continuous mixing systems, the four operations combine into one flawless process that saves your business considerable time.
Whether a recipe calls for a low or high dough moisture level, Exact Mixing continuous mixers uniformly mix all ingredients without generating excessive heat. The bulk delivery, measuring, and mixing of ingredients, as well as the handling of the dough, creates a much more consistent product that completes an uninterrupted process. Our engineers have calibrated the measuring stage of the continuous mixing method for an accuracy percentage of 0.25 percent.
Dough discharges from our continuous mixers in a constant stream instead of one batch every 10 to 15 minutes for batch mixers.
Exact Mixing offers the following continuous mixer models:
Versatility is the best word to define the MX Continuous Mixer. If you run an industrial bakery that offers a wide range of dough for baked goods, the MX model adapts to the type of dough your bakery wants to produce. During one shift, your commercial bakery can produce dough for snacks, pretzels, cookies, and pizza dough. Our most versatile continuous mixer also can create batters and icings.
The MX Continuous Mixer produces dough from hygroscopic powers, such as the potato flakes that absorb moisture to form instant mashed potatoes. Our engineers have perfected a mixing system that distributes small amounts of water in even quantities for absorption in hydroscopic powders.
Exact Mixing developed the technology integrated into the EX Continuous Mixer to produce the dough used to make wheat-based baked goods. This mixer is especially popular for creating wheat-based crackers that develop from the lowest viscosity powder and liquid mixtures that range in moisture levels from very low to very high.
Our LDX Continuous Mixer works for dough that blends all ingredients before adding flour, such as for certain cookies and other sweet baked goods. Exact Mixing engineers designed the HDX Continuous Mixer to generate large batches of dough for popular baked goods such as buns, bread, and English muffins.
Learn more about the continuous mixers offered by commercial bakery equipment suppliers Exact Mixing by submitting the convenient online form or calling our headquarters at 610- 693-5816.