If you are seeking mixers for sale that will improve the products and processes in your industrial bakery, look no further than Exact Mixing. Our Continuous Mixers promote even dough hydration, better integration of minor ingredients, and eliminate the dough variables caused by batch mixing.
Exact Mixing, a Reading Bakery Systems brand, is the leading manufacturer of Continuous Mixing Systems for the food industry. Since 1994, we have solved complex mixing challenges for customers all over the world and have installed more than 100 Continuous Mixers.
Our full line of mixer models and sizes with production volumes that range from 50 kg/hour to over 10,000 kg/hour will successfully mix a wide variety of food products. Continuous Mixing is now a proven solution in the pretzel, chip, baked snack, pastry, sweet goods, cookie, cracker, bars, pizza, tortilla, pet treat, and bread and bun industries.
Are Your Products Well-Suited to Continuous Mixing?
Continuous Mixing is now a proven solution in the pretzel, chip, baked snack, pastry, sweet goods, cookie, cracker, bars, pizza, tortilla, and bread and bun industries. We also offer Continuous Mixing solutions for non-bakery items, such as protein bars, peanut butter, icings, and pet treats.
Exact Mixing offers a comprehensive line of mixer models and sizes with production volumes ranging from 50 kg/hour to over 10,000 kg/hour that will successfully mix a wide variety of food products. They include:
- MX Continuous Mixer is our most versatile mixer and is suitable for a wide range of products including cookies, snacks, batters, icings, pretzels, pizza and pastes. This mixer offers dough production rates up to 8,000 kg/hour.
- EX Continuous Mixer is an excellent choice for low-absorption, stiff, wheat-based doughs, such as crackers, sweet goods and all but the lowest viscosity powder/liquid mixtures. This mixer offers dough production rates up to 7,500 kg/hour.
- FX Continuous Mixer is a high-intensity mixer that can be used to produce potato-, corn- and rice-based products and is ideal for hydroscopic powders and any other low moisture mixtures. This mixer offers dough production rates from 100 to 1,250 kg/hour.
- HDX Continuous Mixer is well-suited to ultra-high absorption doughs for buns, breads, English muffins and similar products. This mixer offers dough production rates from 1,500 to 10,000 kg/hour.
- LDX Continuous Mixer is ideal for most types of cookies and other applications where ingredients are blended before flour is added. This mixer offers dough production rates up to 9,000 kg/hr.
We encourage you to try our Continuous Mixing Calculator to explore whether your process is a good fit for Continuous Mixing. To see your products being mixed in a continuous process, visit our Science & Innovation Center in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, where pilot versions of all types of Exact Mixers are available.
Exact Mixing offers industrial bakery mixers for sale that can be operated with less labor and energy than batch mixing. Explore our line of Continuous Mixers by calling our Robesonia, Pennsylvania headquarters at (01) 610-693-5816, or contact us online to learn more.