Before 1994, batch mixers set the standard for dough-processing equipment. However, when Exact Mixing introduced a line of continuous mixers, large-scale operations quickly discovered that our continuous mixing systems dramatically increased production rates. Batch mixers move dough recipes through four stages before the machines can start another batch of dough for processing. On the other hand, continuous mixing systems constantly move ingredients to the measuring station, where every ingredient blends during the mixing stage. The constant movement of dough recipes means continuous mixing systems are the ideal industrial snack production equipment for large-scale operations.
The key to our machines meeting the demand placed on large-scale operations concerns the design of our machines. Multiple lines feed one mixer to ramp up production rates quickly. Large-scale operations also benefit because the clamshell design of the mixing chamber makes it easy to clean, inspect, maintain, and sanitize each machine. This reduces the amount of downtime between cycles. Automated technology ensures continuous mixing systems keep the same pace throughout each shift. The seamless transition between workers leaving one shift for another set of employees to start work significantly improves production rates for large-scale operations.
5 Continuous Mixing Systems for Large-Scale Operations
The engineers at Exact Mixing have designed five continuous mixing systems, each customized to process certain types of dough recipes.
The dough used to create thicker baked goods such as buns, bread, hard rolls, and English muffins requires two different blades for processing. A twin screw blade forms a uniform mass of dough before the dough moves to the development stage, where a single screw blade gently kneads the dough to prevent surface imperfections like cracks and holes.
Some dough recipes call for mixing all the dry ingredients in the heat-resistant chamber before adding the most important dry ingredient, flour. This means flour does not blend with the other dry ingredients until just before all the ingredients enter the development stage. The LDX Continuous Mixer flawlessly handles this recipe by combining every dry ingredient except flour during the creme-up phase.
The versatility of the MX Continuous Mixer comes in handy for bakeries that run large-scale operations. Super-fast changeovers allow you to switch from processing the dough for salty snacks to processing the dough used to form the most popular types of cookies. This machine is perfect for dough recipes that call for the creme-up and pre-blend phases.
Proprietary Hydrobond Technology helps the FX Continuous Mixer master the process of blending the dough ingredients used to make fabricated corn and potato chips. This machine lifts hydroscopic powders into atomized liquids on a particle-to-particle basis.
The rapidly rising popularity of wheat-based snacks makes the EX Continuous Mixer the right choice for large-scale operations. This machine gently kneads the dough formed for wheat-based snacks. Gentle kneading prevents the development of unsightly cracks and lumps and ensures every processed batch of dough contains the same size, shape, weight, and texture without generating too much heat.
To discover which industrial snack production equipment for large-scale bakeries is the right one to install at your bakery, we suggest using our Continuous Mixing Calculator, which our engineers have developed to consider every dough-mixing factor. Get the support your bakery deserves by submitting the Contact form on our website or calling our headquarters at 610-693-5816.