Continuous mixing is not perfect for every application, but neither is batch mixing. If you are looking for innovative industrial mixers and kneaders for your commercial bakery, consider the unrivalled line of Continuous Mixing equipment from Exact Mixing.
Exact Mixing, a Reading Bakery Systems brand, is the leading manufacturer of Continuous Mixing Systems for the food industry. Since 1994, we have solved complex mixing challenges for customers all over the world and have installed more than 100 Continuous Mixers.
Our full line of mixer models and sizes with production volumes that range from 50 kg/hour to over 10,000 kg/hour will successfully mix a wide variety of food products. Continuous Mixing is now a proven solution in the pretzel, chip, baked snack, pastry, sweet goods, cookie, cracker, bars, pizza, tortilla, pet treat, and bread and bun industries.
Continuous Mixing for Bread & Buns
Exact Mixing has developed the HDX Continuous Mixer specifically to manufacture ultra-high absorption, highly developed dough, such as for breads, buns, hard rolls, English muffins, tortillas, and multi-grain products, at low temperatures.
This High Development Continuous Mixer is a two-stage system. All ingredients are first mixed into a uniform mass with a twin screw mixer. In a separate section, the dough is kneaded to the proper development level with a single screw mixer.
The Exact HDX Mixer provides precise and uninterrupted ingredient metering to the mixer and eliminates the chance of contamination because the dough is never exposed to the environment. This mixer offers dough production rates up to 10,000 kg/hour.
What is included in an Exact Continuous Mixing System?
A complete Exact Mixing Continuous Mixing System consists of the mixer, blender, materials handling and ingredients metering, as well as the control system that monitors and distributes product between them.
Exact mixers are designed using Loss-in-Weight technology – the most accurate feeding technology available. And all metering and mixing procedures are monitored and initiated by the control system so the operator can confirm and modify as needed.
We provide complete systems, testing, and installation supervision for both straight dough and liquid ferment systems.
Innovation Center
If you want to explore which Exact Continuous Mixing equipment may be right for your products, schedule a visit with our team at the Reading Bakery Systems Science & Innovation Center in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania.
A dedicated Continuous Mixing area features all of the Exact Mixer models, including the EX Mixer (Single screw), MX Mixer (Twin screw), FX Mixer (High shear), and HDX Mixer (High development). Various size mixers are available for Innovation Center work or in-plant demonstrations.
Our Innovation Center Continuous Mixing area also includes an automated bulk handling system, a horizontal dry blender, gravimetric dry feeders and mass flow liquid systems. Customers can work with our team to test machinery and processing techniques; develop new products; and produce market samples for testing.
We encourage commercial bakeries that are looking for industrial mixers and kneaders to explore the many advantages of Continuous Mixers from Exact Mixing. Our equipment and expertise can help you cut costs, improve product consistency, and simplify your mixing process. Get in touch with us at (01) 610.693.5816 or contact us online.