The dough-mixing process undergoes four stages. First, dry ingredients arrive at an area of a system before the second stage of measuring ingredients begins. The third stage involves blending dry ingredients with some moisture to prepare for dough development’s fourth and final stage. During the fourth stage of the dough-mixing process, industrial dough-kneading equipment forms the product’s size, shape, weight, and texture.
Since 1994, Exact Mixing has designed and manufactured a line of industrial dough-kneading equipment that forms the products of commercial bakeries worldwide. The five continuous mixer models offered by Exact Mixing address virtually every type of dough production need. Our team of engineers constantly looks for ways to improve the performance of our machines, with particular attention paid to enhancing the dough development process.
Your commercial bakery can count on us to offer the most advanced industrial dough-kneading equipment available.
Why Are Continuous Mixers Superior to Batch Mixers?
Continuous mixers deliver many benefits that make the machines the right choice over batch mixers for your commercial bakery. At the heart of the advantages supplied by continuous mixers is automated technology. Full automation during every stage of the dough-mixing process allows your commercial bakery to reassign workers to complete other tasks, which results in lower labor costs. Fully automated industrial dough kneading equipment also ensures a final product that is developed in the last stage to remain consistent in size, shape, weight, and texture.
The accurate measurement of ingredients during the second stage reduces food waste, directly lowering food costs. Optimal machine efficiency helps your commercial bakery pay less each month in energy bills. Less energy consumption is a welcome benefit as all businesses search for ways to decrease their carbon footprints. Quick and easy changeovers of continuous mixers allow your bakery to complete various production orders during the same shift.
What Continuous Mixing Systems Does Exact Mixing Offer?
Exact Mixing designs and manufactures five continuous mixing systems.
Our lineup’s most versatile continuous mixer completes dough recipes for several types of baked goods, including snacks, cookies, pretzels, and pizza crusts. This machine is the perfect option for commercial bakeries that follow recipes that call for the creme-up and pre-blend stages.
Adding moisture to hydroscopic powders requires industrial dough kneading equipment that can evenly distribute moisture into recipes that call for the production of large quantities. The FX continuous mixer lifts hydroscopic powders into atomized liquids to form the dough used to produce delicate snacks like fabricated corn and potato chips.
This continuous mixing system is designed to blend dry ingredients for recipes that range in moisture levels from very low to very high. Thin, wheat-based snacks require gentle kneading, which is the specialty of the EX continuous mixer.
One of the most challenging dough recipes involves blending all dry ingredients before adding flour to complete a recipe. By operating the LDX continuous mixer, your commercial bakery can complete this type of dough recipe by adding flour as the last dry ingredient blended before the development stage.
Recipes that call for developing thick dough benefit from using the HDX continuous mixer. This machine creates the dough to form baked goods such as bread, buns, rolls, tortillas, and English muffins. A single-screw blade gently kneads dough during the development stage of the dough-mixing process.
Discover why commercial bakeries purchase industrial dough kneading equipment from Exact Mixing by calling 610-693-5816 or submitting the online form.