If your business has produced dough using batch mixers, you understand that completing each batch is tedious. You can only complete one batch at a time, so you must wait for one batch to clear the mixing system before loading the ingredients for another batch of dough. If you need to complete large production orders, batch mixing becomes cost prohibitive because of the considerable time it takes to run multiple batches through an industrial dough kneader machine. You always reach the same conclusion even if you have tinkered with your batch mixer to improve efficiency. There has to be a better way to mix dough for a wide variety of baked goods.
Fortunately, Exact Mixing offers a better way to mix consistent dough for commercial production called the continuous mixing process. Founded in 1994, Exact Mixing has developed an extensive line of dough mixers that produce dough for many bakery and snack applications. From creating thin slices of dough for chips and crackers to requiring large, thick sections of dough to bake loaves of bread, we have the solution you need to leave batch mixers behind and move on to an improved way of mixing dough.
What Are the Advantages of Using Continuous Mixers?
Producing more dough in less time is just one of the many advantages of switching from batch mixers to continuous mixers.
Much Better Quality
Because of the accurate measuring system developed by Exact Mixing, our continuous mixers deliver a much higher quality dough for baked goods. The consolidated mixing process thoroughly mixes dough to create a consistent product every time.
More Accurate Measurements
Continuous mixers mix ingredients accurately to follow your recipes. Accurate measurements mean operators can adhere to the way you want your recipes followed.
Less Food Waste
Batch mixers are known to spill ingredients, which leads to food waste that quickly ramps up your operating costs. Continuous mixers catch every ingredient to prevent an increase in food waste, one of the costliest expenses faced by businesses in the food and beverage industry.
Fully Automated System
Exact Mixing has developed the technology required to fully automate the continuous mixing process. Unlike batch mixing, which requires monitoring during every step of the mixing process, continuous mixers need just one employee to ensure optimal functionality. Full automation equals lower labor costs, another costly expense on your business income statement.
Get a First-Hand Look at How Continuous Mixing Works
We encourage you to explore the vast possibilities offered by continuous mixing systems. A visit to our Science & Innovation Center in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, provides a first-hand look at how our different continuous mixing models operate. The Science & Innovation Center features an area dedicated to showcasing all of our continuous mixer models, including the EX, MX, FX, and HDX mixers.
You will learn more about the gravimetric feeder, horizontal dry blender, and mass flow liquid system that properly hydrates each batch of dough. You can also operate one or more continuous mixers to discover how the automated bulk ingredient handling system seamlessly coordinates every mixing process step. After spending some time at our Science & Innovation Center, you might even come up with one or more ideas for introducing a new baked good for your business. Get started by calling Exact Mixing at 610-693-5816 or submitting the short form.