Commercial bakeries face razor-thin profit margins, with a considerable chunk of expenses coming from buying and maintaining bakery equipment. Since you are always looking to save money, what if we told you that buying a certain brand of industrial bakery mixers in India can provide you with a healthy profit margin? Exact Mixing, which is part of the Reading Bakery Systems family, has the solution to your dough mixing process.
Since 1994, Exact Mixing has dedicated its mission to helping commercial bakeries operating around the world simplify complex dough mixing processes. We offer a full line of continuous mixers, which differ significantly from batch mixers that industrial bakeries have used since the introduction of mixers. The continuous mixers designed and manufactured by Exact Mixing help commercial bakeries lower labor costs, while improving the quality of their products.
Continuous VS. Batch Mixing
Batch mixing has been around much longer than the continuous mixing process. However, continuous mixing has adapted into the preferred method of mixing for commercial bakeries operating in India. Both processes are considered types of industrial mixing, which consist of four steps.
Measuring Ingredients
If your commercial bakery follows the batch mixing process, you have to weigh ingredients by using different controls and equipment. This can add a significant amount of time to the mixing process. On the other hand, continuous mixers contain a built-in measuring device that completes all the accurate measurements needed to complete a dough recipe. Since you benefit from an automated measuring process, a continuous mixer ensures greater accuracy, while saving money by reducing costly waste.
Delivering Ingredients
Both batch and continuous commercial bakery mixers deliver ingredients in the same manner. The difference is continuous mixers deliver ingredients much faster into the mixing chamber. As a result of a faster delivery system, continuous mixers allow industrial bakeries to complete production orders faster. This enables them to produce more dough on a shift-by-shift basis. The faster delivery system also gives operators more flexibility to change mixing devices.
Continuous mixers produce a consistent product that does not create the problems associated with batch mixing cycles. The continuous mixing of dough means production orders complete faster than they do for the same production orders handled by batch mixers. At higher production rates, continuous mixing costs less because an increase in production leverages the power of a continuous mixing system.
Managing Dough
Batch mixers produce large batches of dough that require the use of additional equipment for resizing the large batches. The requirement of additional equipment often leads to long delays that not only cost you money in labor, but also cost you money when a batch of dough becomes contaminated because of prolonged exposure to room temperatures. Continuous mixers generate a constant flow of dough that the machine automatically slices into more manageable loaves.
The profit-loss model for commercial bakeries presents many potential obstacles that can put a business in India in the red for an extended period. Discover how industrial continuous bakery mixers provide the answer to your economic headaches by calling our headquarters at 610-693-5816 or by submitting the contact form.