Commercial bakeries operate on razor-thin profit margins. Just one batch of dough that does not meet customer specifications can send a bakery operating in the black into the red. The answer to meeting the demand for high-throughput industrial dough mixers lies in automated technology, which is a technology Exact Mixing has perfected.
Founded in 1994, Exact Mixing offers a line of five high-throughput industrial dough mixers that leverage automation. Full automation accomplishes several business goals, with ramping up production as one of the greatest benefits of the technology. The fully automated line of continuous mixers constantly feeds recipe ingredients into a mixing chamber, which is a much different process followed by batch mixers. With batch mixers, all four stages of the dough mixing process must complete before another batch of ingredients goes into a mixing chamber.
A higher production rate is just one benefit of the automation technology incorporated into our high-throughout industrial dough mixers. Automation also ensures consistency for every order in terms of size, shape, and weight. The Exact Mixing line of continuous mixers does not sacrifice quality by increasing the throughput of production orders.
How Does Hydrobond Technology Increase Throughput?
Exact Mixing developed Hydrobond Technology to bring liquids and dry ingredient streams together before a dough recipe enters one of our continuous mixers. Without heating the mixing process, the use of Hydrobond Technology mixes dough ingredients based on the principle that mixing smaller amounts of liquids and dry ingredients results in a more efficient process that also increases production rates. Hydrobond technology also creates a more consistent dough due to thorough hydration.
Hydrobond Technology is the key factor in creating high-throughout industrial dough mixers that are more efficient, which translates into a smaller carbon footprint, as well as reduced energy and equipment costs.
Exact Mixing offers five continuous mixer models that incorporate Hydrobond Technology.
The generation of excess heat can ruin the quality of a batch of dough. The HDX Continuous Mixer specializes in mixing ingredients at a low temperature to form consistent dough before it is kneaded to create a uniform mass.
For dough recipes that create baked goods such as cookies, flour is added to the ingredients right before the development stage. Exact Mixing designed the LDX Continuous Mixer to meet the needs of commercial bakeries that utilize this type of dough-mixing process.
As the most versatile mixer in our line of continuous mixers, the MX is the ideal high-throughput industrial mixer for recipes that include the creme-up and pre-blend stages. We recommend this continuous mixer for recipes that produce baked goods such as snacks, cookies, and batters.
This continuous mixer evenly distributes low levels of moisture into hydroscopic powders such as potato flakes that develop into potato chips. The even distribution of moisture ensures a consistent product that meets high-throughput production orders.
The EX Continuous Mixer blends dough ingredients for recipes that vary in moisture levels from very low to very high. The result of the process is the creation of consistent dough, without generating excessive heat that causes size and shape imperfections.
Take Advantage of Exact Mixing Tools
Exact Mixing provides our customers with tools to optimize the performance of our line of high-throughput industrial dough mixers. Our Continuous Mixing Calculator helps your business discover which of our mixers is the right one for your bakery. Loss-in-Weight Technology increases the accuracy of measuring and feeding dough ingredients into a mixing chamber.
Learn more about our line of continuous mixers by calling 610-693-5816 or by submitting the short form found on our website.