Discover the best high development Continuous Mixers for bread and roll production at Exact Mixing. Learn what a difference Continuous Mixing can make in product consistency, waste reduction, and better yields for your bread production.
Exact Mixing, a Reading Bakery Systems brand, is the leading global supplier of Continuous Mixing Systems for the baked food industry. We offer a full line of mixer models and sizes that will successfully mix a wide variety of food products.
What is Continuous Mixing?
During Continuous Mixing, ingredients are constantly metered into the mixing chamber and generate a continuous stream of mixed product at the exit of the mixer. The mixing may be done in stages to ensure all ingredients have been properly incorporated.
Exact Mixing designs and supplies metering systems to almost every Continuous Mixer we supply. Mixers are designed using Loss-in-Weight technology – the most accurate feeding technology available. And all metering and mixing procedures are monitored and initiated by the control system so the operator is always able to confirm and modify as needed.
High Development Mixing for Bread Production
Consider the Exact Mixing HDX or High Development Continuous Mixer. It is designed specifically to manufacture highly developed dough at low temperatures and is a perfect choice for ultra-high absorption doughs such as buns, breads, rolls, English muffins, and similar products. The HDX mixer offers dough production rates from 1,500 to 10,000 kg/hour.
The HDX Continuous Mixer is a two-stage system. First, all ingredients are mixed into a uniform mass with a twin-screw mixer. Then, in a separate section, the dough is kneaded to the proper development level with a single-screw mixer.
The HDX Mixer’s standard features and specifications include stainless steel construction, liquid jacketed and insulated mixer barrels with inlet and outlet connections, and a pneumatic cutter used at the exit of the mixer to cut dough into manageable chunks. Exact Mixing also offers automated dough handling systems to transport dough to downstream equipment.
Advantages of Continuous Mixing
- Improves reliability and repeatability
- Eliminates surface imperfections
- Creates consistent shapes
- Accommodates “within spec” flour variations
- Maximizes water absorption—reduces cost of ingredients, improves yield
- Eliminates dough contamination
- Quick and easy sanitation
- Reduces labor and peak energy demand
- Eliminates mixer loading errors
- Easy to learn and operate
- Allows consistent time between mixing and further processing
- Dough exits the mixer in usable sized loaves
Watch a Demonstration in the Science & Innovation Center
To see your products being mixed with a Continuous Mixer, please you to visit our Reading Bakery Systems Science & Innovation Center in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, where pilot versions of all Exact Mixers are available, as well as an automated bulk handling system, a horizontal dry blender, gravimetric dry feeders and mass flow liquid systems.
If you have been working with a traditional batch mixer, you may be interested in how high development Continuous Mixers from Exact Mixing can improve your processes. Get in touch with us at (01) 610.693.5816 or contact us online to learn more.