Looking for the best commercial dough mixer for your industrial bakery? Look no further than the Continuous Mixing systems manufactured by Exact Mixing.
Exact Mixing, founded in Memphis, Tennessee in 1994, became a Reading Bakery Systems brand in 2008 and continues to deliver innovative mixing solutions to customers and industries around the globe. Our equipment is engineered and manufactured at the main Reading Bakery Systems facility in Robesonia, Pennsylvania.
With our equipment and expertise, we can help you reduce labor, cut costs, improve consistency and simplify your mixing process. We offer a full line of mixer models and sizes that will successfully mix a wide variety of food products.
Comparison of Batch and Continuous Mixing
Material delivery systems: The delivery systems that deliver bulk materials to the mixer are the same for batch and continuous mixing, but adding raw materials to a Continuous Mixer is more accurate than with a batch mixer in almost every case.
Material measurement: Getting a “proper size” batch of ingredients to the batch mixer often requires extra weighing equipment and controls. With a Continuous Mixer, all metering is done at the mixer itself, which leads to more automation, greater accuracy, and a significant cost savings in the long term.
Mixing: Studies show that Continuous Mixing eliminates the problems associated with batch cycles and produces a consistent product all day, every day. In terms of cost, batch mixing is slightly less expensive than continuous mixing at the lowest production rates (500 to 1500 pounds per hour). At higher rates, continuous mixing is less expensive, and the savings increase as production rates increase.
Batch sizes: Batch mixers make large “batches” of dough and manufacturers need additional equipment to resize them. This requires more time and unnecessary exposure to the environment where contamination can occur. In contrast, dough exits Continuous Mixers in a continuous stream that can be sliced automatically into usable size loaves by the mixer.
Continuous Mixer Models
Exact Continuous Mixer models include (but are not limited to):
EX Continuous Mixer – designed for wheat-based snack products, such as crackers, and other low- to mid-absorption stiff doughs.
HDX Continuous Mixer – a two-stage system designed for manufacturing ultra-high absorption, highly developed doughs at low temperatures, such as for buns, bread, and rolls.
FX Continuous Mixer – designed for doughs where critical moisture levels determine final product texture, such as baked potato chips and crisp products.
MX Continuous Mixer – our most versatile mixer that is designed for products that require high energy mixing as well as a wide range of other products, including cookies, snacks, batters, icings, and pastes.
LDX Continuous Mixer – well-suited to most types of cookie doughs and other applications where ingredients are blended before flour is added.
To learn more about how a Continuous Mixing commercial dough mixer from Exact Mixing can improve your industrial snack making process and products, give us a call at (01) 610.693.5816 or contact us online today.