One of the biggest challenges of creating consistently high-quality dough for commercial bakery production lines concerns quickly bringing moisture and dry ingredients together without generating excessive heat. Exact Mixing’s proprietary hydrobond technology can help you overcome the difficult challenge. Hydrobond technology makes the mixing process much more efficient, which speeds up the continuous mixing process to lower equipment and energy costs.
Our hydrobond technology adds dry ingredients between the housing wall and the turning shaft. Blades that our engineers attach to the outside of the turning shaft divide the dry ingredients into individual particles to ensure uniform hydration. Wet ingredients move through the turning shaft and exit at holes located near the bottom. The turning shaft moves rapidly to sling the liquid from the shaft to form a disk in a horizontal plane. Then, the separated individual dry ingredient particles fall through the horizontal plane, where the hydrated mixture discharges at the bottom of the turning shaft to feed into the continuous mixing system.
The primary benefits of hydrobond technology in commercial bakery lines include saving time, creating evenly hydrated dough, and offering a higher quality dough product for your customers that sell baked goods.
What Advantages Do Continuous Mixers Offer?
Until 1994, commercial and industrial bakeries operated batch mixers, which required the production of one batch of dough before sending a second batch through the mixing system. In comparison, continuous mixing combines four operations into one cohesive system. When your commercial bakery installs one of our continuous mixers, bulk delivery, measuring, blending, and dough handling integrate seamlessly to complete an uninterrupted process. Dough products with moisture levels from very low to very high uniformly blend together without generating excessive heat.
Dough discharges from our continuous mixers in a steady stream, while operators of batch mixers can only produce one batch of dough every 10 to 15 minutes.
Although continuous mixing systems require a higher initial investment, the cost savings associated with installing Exact Mixing continuous mixers far exceed the higher initial investment. Uniform dough hydration creates a higher-quality product with consistent size, weight, and texture. Batch mixtures are known for producing dough that possesses surface imperfections. By using just one mixer, your commercial or industrial bakery enjoys much higher production rates because the one mixer feeds multiple delivery lines.
Exact Mixing engineers perfected an automated system that requires less labor to operate. The labor cost savings alone make continuous mixers ideal for commercial bakeries that operate on razor-thin profit margins. Our unique clamshell design makes cleaning, sanitizing, and inspecting each mixer much easier to uphold the highest food safety standards. Exact mixing continuous mixers achieve the temperature required to kill harmful pathogens.
What Type of Support Does My Commercial Bakery Receive?
Exact Mixing has a considerable stake in ensuring the success of our customers. We provide both testing and installation supervision for both our straight dough and liquid ferment systems. This means that when you order one or more of our continuous mixing models, you can expect support from the day to receive your new continuous mixing system to the day that you start producing dough for baked goods.
Every one of our continuous mixing systems comes with a mixer, a blender, ingredients handling and measuring tools, and an automated control system that monitors the distribution of dry and wet ingredients. All of our continuous mixers incorporate loss-in-weight technology, which represents the most accurate feeding technology available. We recommend visiting our Science & Innovation Center in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, to watch each of our models in action. After seeing live demonstrations, you should come away with a better idea about which continuous mixing model represents the best choice for your commercial bakery.
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